These exercises are effective at activating and stretching the eustachian tubes to help develop equalisation.
This exercise should be done in the morning, with an empty stomach before breakfast.
These exercises are designed to improve the opening of the eustachian tube flexibility.
Take off any objects around the neck (necklace, chains…… etc) and keep the neck straight.
Rest for 5 seconds in between exercises.

Learning Objectives:
After the completion of this module, students should be able to:
Develop greater eustachian tube flexibility and improved ability to equalise under the water.
Training duration:2 weeks
Do these exercises 3 times, very slow and resting 5 seconds in between them.
Exercise 1.
Complete 3x
With the mouth wide open, stick the tongue out as far as possible and try to touch the chin.
After this and with the mouth open as much as you can, place the tongue on the bottom of the mouth and pull it back and down , at this moment the bone over the Adams apple should be as low as possible.
Observe this in the mirror.
Exercise 2.
Complete 10x
Open your mouth as wide as possible and touch the front of your teeth with the tip of your tongue. From here, move the tip of your tongue back along the roof of your mouth. Mouth wide open and touch the front teeth with the tip of your tongue.
Again, with the mouth wide open place the tip of the tongue against the lower front teeth and stick the tongue out as far as possible.
Exercise 3.
Complete 5x
With the mouth open as wide as possible and the tongue resting on the bottom of the mouth, practice swallowing.
Exercises combining the movement of the tongue and the so palate:
With the mouth wide open and leaving the tip of the tongue against the front lower teeth, pull the tongue back and down, practicing an incomplete movement of swallowing. Stop on the contraction of the soft palate.
Exercise 4.
Complete 5x
With the mouth half open, push the lower jaw to the front and place the tip of the tongue in the inner part of lower teeth. Push the rest of the tongue out as far as you can, and from this position do an incomplete action of swallowing.
Exercise 5.
Complete 5x for each exercise.
Do exercises 2, 3 and 4 with a closed mouth.
For some further information and a great video on the Frenzel technique, then check this out.